Implementation of Norwegian Experience in the Field of Adult Education in Lithuania (EEA Scholarship programme)


Project „Implementation of Norwegian Experience in the Field of Adult Education in Lithuania“ is implemented under the 2009-2014 European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as EEA) financial Mechanism Programme LT08 „EEA Scholarship programme“.

VOX (project partner) is the Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning and belongs to the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Main goal of VOX is to contribute to supporting active citizenship, improving employability and increasing participation in education.

Project goal is to increase adults’ participation in lifelong learning by improving competences of adults who work in adult education field and by rendering the effective assistance for adult education institutions.

The final prospective outcomes of the project: two qualification improvement study trips to Norway organized; applying good practice of Norway, the Practical Book of Andragogue and the Guide of the Good Practice for development of adult basic competences in Lithuania prepared; consultation of representatives of lifelong learning institutions on work in the basic skills development area (in four problematic Lithuanian municipalities); a cooperation seminar organized in Lithuania with the Norwegian partner. Furthermore, the guidelines for the further cooperation and exchange of practice with Norwegian partner VOX will be prepared. Project activities are concentrated strengthening capacities of employees’ of the lifelong learning system and lead partner in the field of basic adult competences development, taking into account the Norwegian practice.

Duration of the project – September 2015 to September 2016.