
On-going projects

Development of a Subsystem for the Assessment and Recognition of Qualifications Acquired in the Work of Specialists in the Transport Sector

Validation of transversal skills across Europe – TRANSVAL-EU Abbreviation: TVL-EU

Establishment of a coordinated and collaborative network on migrant issues in Europe

Implemented projects

Strengthening cooperation between the institutions coordinating the work of sectoral expert councils in the Baltic states

Developing Apprenticeship: In-Company Trainer Training and Apprenticeship Promotion (Erasmus+ programme)

Guidance and Orientation for Adult Learners (GOAL) (Erasmus+ programme)

EQF national coordination points work programme (Erasmus+ Programme)

Comprehensive policy frameworks for continuing VET: Reform of Continuing Vocational Education and Training Systems (Re-CVET) (Erasmus+ programme)

National Autorities for Apprenticeships: Implementing Work Based Learning in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia (Erasmus+ programme)

Implementation of Norwegian Experience in the Field of Adult Education in Lithuania (EEA Scholarship programme)

Sectoral partnerships for the development of qualifications system (Lifelong learning programme)

External assessment of VET quality (ESF)

Formation of qualifications and the development of modular VET system (ESF)

Development of the System of VET Standards

Development and implementation of common quality assurance system in vocational education

and training

Update of strategical competencies for vocational teachers: development of experience

Development of the model for provision of VET institutions with teaching and learning materials