Kiekvienais metais ReferNet tinklo nacionaliniai koordinatoriai pateikia Europos profesinio mokymo plėtros centrui (CEDEFOP) ne mažiau kaip 3 savo šalies profesinio mokymo ir suaugusiųjų švietimo aktualijas, kurios yra skelbiamos CEDEFOP informaciniais kanalais Europos mastu.
Kviečiame suinteresuotas organizacijas bendradarbiauti Lietuvos profesinio mokymo ir suaugusiųjų švietimo aktualijų sklaidos srityje!
2023 metai
Lithuania: pilot project on external assessment in VET: outcomes and recommendations
Lithuania: more opportunities for lifelong learning – the individual learning account system
Lithuania: ‘The apprenticeship – a new opportunity for me!’ joint project to promote apprenticeship in Lithuania
2022 metai
Lithuania: programme aligns VET to labour market needs (2021-30)
Lithuania: VET and employment support for war refugees from Ukraine
Lithuania: tailoring the VET network to boost employability in local economies
2021 metai
Lithuania: promoting language learning for faster integration of migrants and refugees
Lithuania: towards successful enabling of apprenticeship
Lithuania: setting up a system for external assessment of VET providers in formal IVET and CVET
2020 metai
Lithuania: accelerating recognition of self-acquired professional competences
Lithuania: VET versus Covid-19: challenges and new opportunities for the future
Lithuania: providing opportunities to try out a profession while in general education
2019 metai
Lithuania: national news
2018 metai
Lithuania: 2018 VET status review – Establishing a monitoring system
Lithuania: sectoral professional committees – strong voices in the Lithuanian qualifications system
Lithuania: support for employment through validation of prior learning
Lithuania: modernising VET by shifting to modular programmes
2017 metai
Lithuania: single access point for vocational training and HE programmes
Lithuania: strengthening lifelong learning
Lithuania: reforming vocational education and training
Lithuania: The competence voucher – a ticket to training for employees in SMEs and large enterprises
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